Now-a-days, millets (like ragi) are forgotten foods. They are important because they are Smart Food, i.e., food that is good for you, good for the planet and good for the farmer.ANGRAU & Kalgudi wants to bring back those yester-years recipes with new modern flavors. These recipes are shared by ANGRAU to promote millets consumption in daily lifeANGRAU train human resource needed for agricultural, home Science and allied sectors for the development of the State of Andhra Pradesh. Constantly strive to generate technologies for increasing production in the agriculture and home science and alliedsectors. Assist in the process of transfer of technology through the dissemination ofknowledge in collaboration with the Development Departments of the Government.Kalgudi is partnering with ANGRAU to enable IT for agri-businesses through ‘Kalgudi’ - a free to use business network platform for agri-businesses like farming, trading, warehousing, transporting and many more worldwide.